October - Sheil Shock
Derby Name: Sheil Shock
Derby Number: 626
Position: Blocker
When did you start skating: 2024
Favorite Skate Brand: Don't have one yet!
An Interview with…Sheil Shock
What about derby caught your attention? When did you first start playing?
Derby caught my attention about 4 or 5 years ago but I only mustered up the courage to start freshmeat this year in March. I've been playing since I passed the assessments in June.
What was that “one moment” when you knew playing derby was the right thing for you?
That moment was watching my first bout with other freshies on the sidelines and seeing everyone play. Jinkies was front blocking the jammer alone for a long time and I thought that I'd like to do that one day!
What’s something you’ve learned playing derby that has translated into another part of your life?
Take smaller steps if you need to and being patient with myself. I've always been one to leap into things because I thought I had to. Derby is really teaching me to slow down to get it right and be confident in my ability to do something.
Do you have a favorite & a least favorite position? Can you elaborate?
So far, my least favorite is Jamming but only because there are a lot of skills I need to work on to be at the level I want to be in that position. My favorite right now is blocking because I feel like I have more of the basics needed for that down.
What do you do to get ready for a bout?
Haven't been in one yet! I'll have to give you an update if I'm ever chosen as skater of the month again.
What advice would you give to someone thinking about playing derby?
Do it! It might be a little intimidating but it's the best decision I've made. I am so happy I did it and I've met so many wonderful people thanks to this sport.
Finish this sentence: When I’m not playing derby, I am _____.
Hanging out with friends, painting, or being distracted somewhere 🤣
Do you have a derby mentor?
Jinkies 💚
What keeps you motivated to keep playing when things get tough?
My derby friends and the idea that I can prove to myself that I can do it. There are some days that I know I'll be better off after practice than when I started.
What’s your favorite part of skating with VCDD?
The people! Everyone has been so great and helpful as a newbie in the sport. I have all of them to thank- from the encouragement to the helpful pointers.
Any last bit of advice you'd like to give people??
Stay hydrated and stay curious. I love asking the vets questions and learning from them.