October - Technicole
When did you start skating: 5/3/2022
An Interview with…Technicole
What about derby caught your attention? When did you first start playing?
I was in a position in my life and I needed an outlet. My divorce was finalized and I really wanted to make some new friends. I had wanted to play roller derby since 2002, but couldn't afford it. So no time better than 2017.
What was that “one moment” when you knew playing derby was the right thing for you?
It was the first game I got to play in. I was so scared about performing in front of people and when the fans started cheering for me, I just knew in my bones it was what I needed to do.
What’s something you’ve learned playing derby that has translated into another part of your life?
You will always need to learn how to work together and build things as a team. I will always continue to learn and build on this aspect of my life to continue to become a better person.
Do you have a favorite & a least favorite position? Can you elaborate?
My favorite position is the one where I am clicking on all cylinders . My least favorite position is when I can't seem to find my rhythm. I love all kinds of sports and playing any position that the team needs me in! What can I say I am a team player.
What do you do to get ready for a bout?
Music pumps me up! It's a guarantee that I either listen to a ton of deftones or a bunch techno prior to a bout.
What advice would you give to someone thinking about playing derby?
Just do it! It has brought alot of blood, sweat, tears, laughs and smiles into my life. Some of my greatest memories are with my team.
Finish this sentence: When I’m not playing derby, I am _____.
Dancing like no one watching
Do you have a derby mentor?
I think everyone I play with gives me excitement and pushes me in an encouraging way. I have witnessed so many helpful and productive practices from all my peers.
What keeps you motivated to keep playing when things get tough?
Roller derby is my outlet, my vice and where I feel like I get to expunge all my extra energy. It is also thrilling accomplishing goals I never thought I could complete when I am playing roller derby.
What’s your favorite part of skating with VCDD?
The amount of fun I have at practice. Our pals come out there and give it their all. Time is precious and we go out there and make the most of it.
Any last bit of advice you'd like to give people??
If you want to play and you are shy like me, I say pop out of that bubble and give it a whirl. It's a lot of fun!